2017-2018 E-Board Election Speeches and Q&A

Caitlyn Morris, President

  • Former newcomer chair last spring

  • Competition chair this semester

  • Organized, super passionate

  • Joined in fall of sophomore year

  • During tenure as newcomer chair, felt incredible joy during first shoe shopping trip of year, awesome to see that several newcomers she oversaw are still in the club

  • Anxiety about leaving CU Ballroom fam for a semester in London, but returned to club this semester and still felt like home

  • Wants to further expand club by actively recruiting Columbia students

  • Open communication thru feedback forms and mid-semester town hall

  • Looking to further build NYC area community - want to take team to Rutgers instead of Harvard comp

    • Return favor to NYU and Rutgers

    • Timing and etc. may be better fit for team

  • Will give 150% as president, no one more qualified

Samantha Gonzalez, Vice President

  • Current mentorship chair

  • Welcoming, helpful, approachable - perfect fit for VP role

  • Can leverage her experience interacting with club members as mentorship chair to help her be an approachable VP who is tuned into every club member - wants to be bridge between board and club members

  • Can also leverage mentorship chair's relationships with open mentors in VP role

  • Also focused on maintaining relationships with other teams in NYC area and beyond

  • Will work with treasurer and board to make ballroom more accessible

  • Want to make ballroom feel more accessible, esp in alignment with goal to boost affiliate membership

Michaelle DiMaggio-Potter, Treasurer and Secretary

  • Just joined this semester, has been very involved in dancing and comps, will be great for treasurer

  • Struggled to find a welcoming club, finally found it in CU Ballroom

  • Very detailed oriented and organized, effective communicator - all necessary qualities for treasurer and secretary

  • Very comfortable with handling numbers - would be perfect for treasurer

  • Would like to do more fundraising for this club, product or events related

    • e.g. Holiday cards, showcases, etc.

  • Also very passionate about making ballroom more accessible to first-gen students

Joelle Santiago, Secretary

  • Joined the team this fall, has been a fantastic events chair, very experienced with logistics and outreach (skills important for secretary!)

  • Organized ValGal, Leads and Follows, Uptown/Downtown Mixer

  • Can leverage logistics and outreach experiences in logistics/outreach-heavy secretary role

  • Passionate about securing spaces for club members, and spaces accessible to non-affiliates as well in order to help foster mentorship and club diversity

  • Has private access to dance studio space in Barnard, can secure this space for the club as secretary

  • Managing club email account requires enthusiasm, diplomacy, and good judgment, all qualities that she possesses

Q&A Session

  • How will we increase undergraduate numbers and cultivate new leaders?

    • Precedence for people to continue assisting the board after they leave or graduate

    • Dedication is more important than class year!

    • We have a guidebook and constitution to maintain continuity

    • Goal is to cultivate a culture where people are dedicated to ballroom long after the expiration date of their term

  • How will we create stability in the spaces we have?

    • Establishing solid relationship with Columbia University Performing Arts League

  • Financial accessibility: how can we get more money to support undergraduates?

    • Pending conversations with past treasurers

    • More communication and visibility about people who struggle to keep up with ballroom expenses in our community

    • If we can’t offer a situation financially right away, we should at least be open about this and support each other

    • You don’t need to have costumes or lessons to be successful in ballroom or belong to this team

  • Expanding the social dance program?

    • Making salsa a priority next semester because so many people are interested

    • Reduced rates for that track?

    • Having a salsa chair in the fall when more people are joining

    • Collaborations with other social dance groups on campus (Barnard Argentine tango, CU Swing)

  • Designating an eboard member as a liaison for members with financial troubles?

    • This is a great idea!

    • Michaelle has useful connections re: supporting first-gen low-income students

  • Creating supportive atmosphere for non-competing members?

    • Having events like Val Gala, Leads and Follows Night, NYU/CU Mixer, FNF, and on-campus socials that don’t require having partners

    • More places to meet people outside of classes

    • Joelle: challenging the way we talk about ballroom and introduce it to newcomers (i.e. talking about what levels people dance at all the time)

  • “Speaking of changing dialogue…” What can we do to address or challenge discrimination against same-sex dancing?

    • Creating a collegiate network, committing to grassroots organizing, having an ongoing dialogue with other teams

    • Realistically we can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can at least be engaging in these conversations with competitors, judges, instructors

    • This conversation has to start with newcomers!

    • We want people to grow up within an environment that’s supportive of same-sex dancing

    • Encouraging people to both lead and follow

  • Harvard brings in considerable income when they attend BADC -- what issues might arise if we stop going to their competition?

    • Not the most newcomer-friendly competition

    • Finesse in handling our relationship with Harvard

    • Rutgers will be if anything a trial period

    • Nothing is set in stone, we will be realistic about logistics and budget

    • There will be active dialogue about this before a decision is made!

    • Travel/registration cost-benefit is much better for newcomers attending Rutgers

    • Building northeastern collegiate network with more conversation about how we can all improve our competitions and policies