Board Meeting Minutes (3/22/17)

  • CSGB Elections

    • VP attending next week 3/28

  • Speakers

    • Looking into a new team speaker because old one missing

  • T-shirt/meme contest

    • Both closed yesterday for submissions

    • Voting to begin soon

  • Harvard feedback

    • Working on drafting a letter to Harvard this weekend

  • Reimbursements

    • New policy - people who haven’t reimbursed the club for things that they need to (e.g. unused tickets) will not have travel covered for next comp

  • MIT

    • Travel and housing form to be sent out in 4/2 email announcement, deadline 4/14, same day as regular registration

    • Early registration ends 3/31, regular reg closes 4/14, late closes 4/21

  • Precalendaring

    • Request submitted, requested Roone for beginning of year showcase

  • Community Outreach Day of Service

    • Project offered for 3/25 at 10 am with Friends of Morningside Park

  • Red Cross Showcase

    • Patrantha performing 8:10 pm on Saturday in Lerner 477

  • Board spotlights

    • Will be posting on Facebook page over next couple of days

  • Open mentor workshops

    • Still being calendared

    • Booked more spaces on Friday evening after salsa

  • Salsa

    • Stepping Out social this Friday

    • Salsa office hours starting this Sunday 3/26, 1:00-1:30 pm

  • Jackets

    • New jackets on track, order to be submitted soon

  • Nationals

    • CSGB is funding us more than they gave us last year

  • BADC

    • Still have not received President and Provost grant

    • DJ and scrutineer are set for next year