Board Meeting Minutes (9/5/16 -- First Meeting!)

  • Board Meetings - when2meet to be sent out to determine new meeting time

  • Board applications

    • Need a publicity/social media coordinator and comp coordinator/helper

    • Write up description to send out in board app in next listserv

    • Also need newcomer chair, ideally someone who can also teach newcomer workshops

  • Diversity outreach

    • Crystal will start emailing groups this week to invite to showcase

  • Transparency

    • Town hall like last semester to get feedback

    • Organize list of ideas etc. to discuss - push to after Princeton

  • Calendaring/space

    • Once classes are booked, can set up supervising schedule

    • Monday classes confirmed - C555

    • Will book Wien for 4:30-6:00 pm on Fri for salsa, Roone on Tues for Latin

    • Shoe shopping trip on Sat

    • Comp workshop (newcomer rounds) on Saturday

    • Regular pre-Princeton rounds on Sunday, Thursday (with post-practice dinner?)

    • Hair and makeup workshop on Wednesday

    • Book ramp lounges, Broadway for BADC

  • Mentorship

    • Send out forms as dues are paid?

    • Probably won’t have mentors finalized until after Princeton

    • More systematic ways of keeping track of who’s attended comps

    • What if newcomer is stuck with bad mentor? Sam will try to communicate more with each mentor and make sure things are going well

    • If mentee does both styles, do they need to compete in both styles to have it count as a comp? Probably yes

  • Volunteering

    • Currently a few people signed up to help, but need volunteers for activities day

  • Showcase

    • Showcase setup checklist on same sheet as agenda - need to divide up tasks

    • Also need to divide up sign-ins - each student can sign in 3 each

    • In middle of showcase (after 4 performances), have one of the open people do a lesson, then finish with rest of performances and general dancing after

  • New closet

    • Assembled or nah? Also new dresses that need to be catalogued

    • Bags all got

  • Costume cleaning/stoning

    • Combining with board meet and greet/snacks

    • Wednesday Sept 28th

  • Princeton

    • Travel advance submitted, travel/costume request form created

    • Comp buddies - newcomers have someone experienced at the comp to guide them - send out form the weekend before Princeton

    • Google form or Facebook note for people to find a partner for Princeton

  • Partner match

    • List of things to consider in a partnership for newcomers

    • One hour partner match before one of the classes

    • Add partner search to comp form

  • Website

    • Listservs, meeting minutes, board goals in blog, comp results, etc.

    • Make member resources comp pages

    • Research SEO

    • Update website calendar

  • Passport to Columbia

    • Need to find performers

  • Newcomer workshops

    • 10-11 p on Wed

    • Starting week of 26th

  • BADC

    • Floor set up, same time as before

    • 8 judges responded

    • Got a showcase couple

    • Will reach out to UEM to see if we can get Party Space from other club

  • Follows’ practice time together

  • Upper level follows learning lead steps